Athlete Wealth Podcast

Persevering Through Adversity | Stevie Rasmussen | AWM Capital Athlete Wives Series #3

Episode Notes

Stevie Rasmussen, the wife of Ray's pitcher Drew Rasmussen, has a unique story to share of their experiencing true adversity in the big leagues.

Everyone at some capacity knows that there will be hard times for families in the minor leagues. Still, few families are prepared and equipped with the tools to handle the complex circumstances that families will experience.

Drew was drafted in the first round after his junior year - only to have this opportunity taken away due to a failed medical exam. Stevie shares how they have handled and persevered through many a trying time in baseball.

Stevie shares their vulnerable story of how they went from being overnight millionaires to having to return to Oregon State for Drew's senior season - and having to take out student loan debt to fund his senior season.

Stevie's simple yet profound advice to other baseball spouses going through similar circumstances - adversity in the game of baseball is inevitable. How you respond to that adversity and support your family is what truly matters.